3rd Place: Bogas in a Sleigh by Mom
It was a highly entertaining ride to the finish line, as Russian Ornament made an overnight comeback from fourth place to take the crown. Charlie Brown and Double Rainbow held 1st or 2nd places for the majority of voting, but Bogas in a Sleigh eeked out a few more votes to place this year.
Jamie is fairly stoked to have won her first title, and Robin is a little, uh, disappointed that her near-sweep of the contest was revoked in the final hours. Mom still thinks the Bogas are cute.
For those of you wondering about BOO, Robin was behind that gem, which references the popular, cute dog on Facebook boasting over 600,000 fans. She continued her pop culture references with Double Rainbow, but alas the popularity of the YouTube sensation was not enough to grant her the title. Her final creation was Christmas Bonus....eh, not much to say there.
Jamie went a little darker this year with Edward Cullen and Donnie Darko. There was also a Bella cookie but that one was totally botched, and didn't make an entry (post with outakes coming soon). Crowd goes Wild for Sax rounded out her submissions.
Mom had a grand old time making her Bogas in a Sleigh, but it appears the people may be growing tired of the repetitive franchise. Neverless, expect Bogas in a something to be back in 2011. Along with Baby Jesus.
We had a total of 153 votes (up from last year's 118!); FInal tallys are:
1. Russian Ornament (Jamie) - 28 votes
2. A Charlie Brown Christmas (Robin) - 25 votes
3. Bogas in a Sleigh (Mom) - 24 votes
4. Double Rainbow (Robin) - 23 votes
5. Boo (Robin) - 17 votes
6. Edward Cullen (Jamie) - 9 votes
7. Baby Jesus in Gingerbread Man (Robin) - 8 votes

8. Donnie Darko (Jamie) - 8 votes

9. Crowd goes Wild for Sax (Jamie) - 5 votes

10. The Elf (Cousin Jill) - 4 votes
11. Christmas Bonus (Robin) - 2 votes
12. Friendly Snowman (Cousin Jill) - 0 votes. womp womp :)
Thanks again for voting! Happy Holidays!
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